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What our clients say

Bas Oosthoek - Start-up Manager at ProRail

Attica knows the railway world. Attica has a considerable understanding of the operational processes at rail management and rail transport companies. Interface management is a core quality. Attica consultants have a "self-evident" eye for the various stakeholders' interests and are able to work with this in a "non-discriminatory" manner.

Rob Schimmel - General Electric Project Manager on the RET rail safety replacement project

Attica is focused on solutions: they know how to maintain the overview in technical projects and thus bring projects to a successful conclusion. Attica has a driven way of working and can motivate others this way.

Maarten van Ravels - Safety case manager, RET, RandstadRail Operations / Central Traffic Management

A safety case is required in order to be allowed to run the operation and traffic management at RandstadRail. In fact, the safety case is the proof that the transport system is safe. This is inspected by an ISA under the supervision of ILT (previously IVW). For the development of this evidence, Attica has elaborated system concept procedures into operational scenarios for the operation. The result is a set of normative scenarios that have been tested in practice under Attica's coordination. This testing has established that the transport system (people, technologies and procedures) is demonstrably safe and robust.

I perceived the cooperation to be: solution-oriented, professional and, above all, pleasant.